Gary Lee Wadsworth

Hello! Thought i’d write a bit about myself. One key thing about me is that I’m not a fan of sitting around for too long, I always have to be doing something, a lot of the time it’s walking around exploring London, trying to find areas i’ve never been before. Since lockdown and not being able to go out, i’ve decided I want to explore as much of the UK (and the world) as possible. As I also mention a lot, i’m obsessed with History and spend a lot of my spare time reading and watching youtube videos about it. I’m also a bit of a transport enthusiast too, love anything to do with plenes, trains or buses. Basically i’m just a nerd is what i’m trying to say.

Aside from design and illustration, I enjoy painting, life drawing (sometimes being the model), cycling, the gym and competing in, and often winning pub quizzes (not a boast, just facts).

I love live music, and try and go to as many gigs/nights as I can, I don’t have a favourite genre (too many to pick), but I would list my top three as Pop, Metal and Trance, or a combination of all three.

If you have any questions about me, or anything on this site, please let me know via Instagram or the contact page on here!

Thankyou! Warmest regards! Best…wishes?


He definitely does something on the computer
— Nan & Grandad
Who is this? How did you get this number?
— Dragon's den Star and Entrepreneur, Peter Jones